Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fun Time

The weekend was such a good time, I'm glad everyone could make it ( Angela we missed you). After conquering the weather, I don't see how you all stand such cold, long winters and that wind was impossible. My, oh my. Our hills break alot of the bad blows, I reckon. But it was worth it just to hold Baby Olivia. You forget just how unbelievable soft babies are when yours are 4/5 years old. I miss babies. And rocking them. The walking the floor, I do not miss. And Janelle with all that baby belly gone already? Good work, Girlie. I hope the trouble on Sunday is easing and the kiddos are being served by someone. A loss in the life of a broken kid can really take its toll. I'm sure you were a great comfort to them. Sorry we missed Lady A at breakfast though. The WaterPark in late spring might be another gathering? They open Mar. 25.

I'm writing on my lunch break from zoo duties. Is every other school crazy this week? We just had to separate a couple of 6th graders in the throes of love. Making out in the hall at 11 years old. I cannot wait to make those calls home; just how will a parent respond to the news? The teachers are blaming my sex ed class from last month on the "turn on". Hehehe. Like kids need an inspiration. Oh, gotta run. Someone has written nasty words in the girls' restroom...again. Last week it was a"$5 Footlong" drawing. I cannot even repeat what they wrote this time. My word, maybe education should start before 6th grade. I hope this was left by high schoolers not one of mine. I'm way too old for this stuff.

Madeleine has gymnastics tonight, can't wait to watch. She is such a monkey. I'm afraid her communication skills have hit a plateau right now, she seems more quiet than usual. I keep praying for that wall to break and Maddie to talk a blue streak. I know the wall doesn't exist and she has to build her communication skills, but a grandma will dream. We just want the best lives for our kids; all our chicks to be happy and healthy.

The dream around here is of Spring Break and our house on the beach. The ladies are counting down the days and posting weather reports of our coastal paradise. I highly recommend an all ladies vacation. I love traveling with Stephen King, but with friends you don't have to make sure everyone is happy and fed and dressed appropriately. And no one stands behind you huffing under his breath when you just sit and stare at the ocean, or eat breakfast at noon, or read for 15 hours. An all girl trip is just different, not better, necessarily.
My sister is in Florida with a friend and keeps texting the temperature to me. I'm about to cry, I like 78 degrees, too. Ah, only 23 more days and I'll have it all; sunshine, ocean breezes and peace. Priceless.

I trust the rest of the week will be good to everyone. Stay safe and warm. Love, Hedy

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Gaggle-fest

Hope everyone is enjoying a sunny winter day off; our school had a make-up day today, but I stayed home and nursed a headache. Just tired I think, lupus has been flaring up some lately. But I'm sitting here drinking grape juice and eating Ruffles, feeling better. Maybe it's my diet? It is a cold, lovely day, only 30 but bright and sunny. I cannot wait for warm days; just a bit longer til Spring Break

and The SailFish. That is the name of our house on Dauphin Island this year. It is on the beach and is decorated in turquoise and white. Loverly. Anyone else going on Break this year? I do hope so.

We'll get together in Lafayette on Saturday, right? I will reserve a couple of rooms today and let you know which hotel. Kirstie, do you have any sisters working in the lodging industry now? I'll look online for something roomy with nice bathrooms. Courtney and I will probably drive up early that morning and meet you all at the hotel, since I know nothing of the area. Definitely Cracker Barrel for Sunday breakfast, Angela are you ready for the spill of OJ or milk or coffee? Wear something old, Sweetie. Maybe that is just a thing with waitresses in the Haute.

Stacy and Carrie, want to join us? You are welcome to if it is possible to get away. It will just be talking, eating and maybe a little shopping, but I can guarantee a great time. We would love to see you both. Oh, there may be wine involved.

I made the best banana pudding tonight with peanut butter Girl Scout cookies, the recipe in Southern Living called for Nutter Butter cookies, but I had 30 boxes of GS so I used those. Yummy, yum. I only allowed myself a small dish, but I wallowed in it. Of course tomorrow it may not be good after a night in the fridge, but warm...it was Heaven.

I am cooking so much more this winter than I have in awhile, having someone else here makes a difference. Poor Stephen King will go back to cereal and salads when Courtney leaves for down under. That is Mar. 10 ,not very long now. I look towards that day with excitement and dread. What a wonderful adventure for her and yet, that is so far from home. She has started a blog "Courtney's Letters Home" to share her adventures with everyone. But I imagine we will be calling just to hear her voice. MotherGoose/MotherHen, whatever.

My Madeleine starts gymnastics this week, finally got Momma's OK. We are so excited, it is going to be our special time together with supper afterward. I know Maddie will love the action, she is a monkey, climbing anything in her path. I'm alittle concerned about the routines, she isn't used to being in a structured playtime. I'm hoping this will help develop her speech, there is a tie-in between motor skills and language. You can see the thoughts fighting to get out of her head sometimes, breaks my heart. She is such a sweetie-pie. I think of Abbie; so smart and vocal, yet struggling with motor skills. No one said life is fair, I know, but we keep looking for the next answer, don't we, anything to help our babies.

Any leads on the job scene for next year, Anna? Are your administrators concerned about consolidation? Ours appears to be, but I think he'd be a shoo-in for county super, if it comes. Who knows, Mitch has moved other mountains. I just want an alternative school in our county for those kids unable to make it in public school. Our number grows and grows. Dysfunction seems to be rampant in homes, schools and communities. We lost another young one to drugs this weekend. What to do? Who to speak to? Where to start? I've been fighting this since the eighties without making a dent in the numbers being hurt by drugs. Each month I read DFC repports of families torn apart, kids abused, even killed because of the hold drugs have on them, what is the answer. I'm afraid I'll never see the end of them. If only everyone could see the life beyond drugs; the ease and peace their lives could have then, but I guess they can only see as far as the next fix. Poor souls looking for happiness in an empty promise.

Stephen King is watching "Forest Gump" again. How many times??? He laughs and cries in the exact same spot each time. The old softie, gotta love him.

See you all on Saturday. Cannot wait. Love and peace, Hedy

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy....

I really wanted to post this in yellow to symbolize the sunshine day we have enjoyed here today, but yellow is a no show on white background and changing background is another little thing I'm not sure of. So GREEN, lovely Spring GREEN. I have to tell everyone that Tucker finally came through on her multi-year promise to stop by and see me while they were visiting at the casino. We had lunch today at Sinclairs, a ritzy dining establishment inside the West Baden Resort. You know the 8th Wonder of the World with the Dome? It was just great to see Jill and meet Craig and their friend Connie. I took Courtney with me, Stephen King went rabbit hunting, and of course she loved Jill. Who doesn't?? Except for... but that's over, right? Jill's Dad wouldn't leave the Casino to come eat, rather like Mr. King in personality, I'd guess. Anyway, I'd love it if all of the Gaggle could visit our scenic area and meet my family. They really exist and are sweet people. I think ;-) But I will come north on the 21st because of my overwhelming desire to cuddle Miss Olivia and see the rest of you birds.
Has everyone seen the pix of our lovely Little Livy? Such a pretty girl, she is a perfect fit into that family, eh? Your daughters are beautiful, Janelle.
Angela, what is the news on Abby? Still progressing well? She's in my prayers and praises daily. How's the job situation?
And Elaine, what's up with you and yours? Is Little Anna still doing well with the PT? Isn't it amazing how quickly therapy can bring things right? Can't wait to see you.
I'm always thrilled to hear from the younguns, Anna and Kirstie, keep Mothergoose appraised of what's new in your lives. I worry when you two are quiet. Hehehe.
Did Trent and Jordan get to see the sun today, Allison? I love it that we can check in on FaceBook, too. Of course I'm not the typical face there and just wanted it to view the pictures of the baby. I was so surprised at the number of people I knew on there. Always the last to know, once again.
Gotta go, Ladies. I'm so tired I cannot see straight. My kiddos just left, Madeleine and I watched gymnastic videos, she's enrolling this week. Caleb performed as we searched for practice instructions and everyone else watched the Grammys in the other room. That's where Cabe was getting his clues from.
Have a peaceful week, love to all.