We have seemimgly been blessed, Stephen King has had very few side effects to his first chemo treatment. Some indigestion and jittery voice appear to be it. His session lasted 7 hours yesterday and will be repeated every 3 weeks for 6 treatments, so he is in for a long haul this winter. Actually we both were surprised at the ease we felt at the cancer center. The staff is wonderfully supportive without smothering the patients. The other patients are kind, respectful and quiet. Steve read alot, but couldn't nap because of the massive amount of steroids he had been given prior to treatment and the near constant need to empty his bladder! All that fluid has to be released. He was jittery and almost giggly from the steroids, which I quite enjoyed watching. Usually he isn't a giggly man!
It is now Friday morning and all is well. the only side effect is the jittery voice and a tendency to rattle on about anything. And everything. Courtney and I have been entertained by this especially during the evening. Stephen King does a running commentary on all the TV shows. He is a faithful Jon Stewart fan and apparently the steroids have increased his love for him. I cannot decide which is funnier; Jon talking about politics or Stephen King loudly and RAPIDLY repeating Jon talking about politics. Totally sarcasm squared!
We are maintaining the status quo here in the Valley, living as near a normal life as we can. Except I am more conscious of each day, each sunrise and sunset than I've ever been. We have been blessed by this and by each other and we really, really know it.
Thanks for all your loving support, Gaggle. Talk to me, Girls. I love you all.