Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Peace & Quiet

This is just one of the hundred colors of the Gulf. It is a fanastic, slideshow of sights and sounds from our deck, where I am planted 10-12 hours a day. The weather has been perfect, so far AND IS EXPECTED TO GET BETTER. I will stop now because I know you all are still in the cold, dark land of Indiana. Ofcourse, I do not know how to post pix, but I will ask Jessie to do it for me. She is taking some amazing shots.
I hope everyone is enjoying the break; hang in, Anna, your time will come. How is the General? Any plans for your break?
Do they have vacation rentals at the Dunes? Maybe we can get one sometime over the summer and have a visit.
Miss you all.


anna said...

Hedy I am so jealous! No, this little goose does not have any money to go anywhere over spring break, however I will enjoy the time off. Keep enjoying your time at the beach. Janelle, David and I have decided to move to Laf this summer instead of Indy. He is now looking at Ivy Tech so we are looking for a place to live...is your house still available:) Maybe we could just move in with you! Just kidding! Miss you guys already...

Janelle said...

Yeahhh!!!!!!! Anna is moving to Lafayette!!!! Bummer, though, I think our house is still rented, but if not, I'll let you know. YEAH! I'm so excited you are moving up here!!

So, I'm an aunt again! My brother and his wife had a little girl today...Isabella (Bella) Suzanne. She is absolutely precious! All is well with both mom and baby!!

Hope you all enjoyed your breaks!!

Milk House door said...

Congrats Janelle and Anna! It is nice to know everyone is relatively close, even though we don't get to see one anohter often.

Hedy, I'm jealous. I hope your trip has been fantastic. We have had a few nice days, one of which I spent taking down fence. It was a family affair, and actually quite fun. We laughed and sweat and had fun and got some exercise. And the boys slept well that night... Jordan had a friend over last night and we spent this morning picking up trash for a beautify the community project. We got paid a dollar for each bag picked up. We had nearly 50 bags just from our little 2 mile stretch of road. It was like a treasure hunt to the boys. They oohed and ahhed over different bottles and cups. They found the skeleton of a raccon or possum and it was like a dinosaur dig. It was fun and the boys all earned some money.

Back to work on Monday.... Uggg... Only 9 weeks to go!!!! Hooray! I know it will fly. Take care all.

Angela said...

Wow! I can not believe break is over already. We went to my sister's in Madison for about a day and a half. It took me almost six hours to make the two hour trip home. Apparently when your kids are distracting you and you enter the wrong PIN number on your debit card more than three times, it shuts it down completely! I claim that it is not all my fault because the girl at the register kept running it through and I kept telling her to stop. In any event - I couldn't buy gas when I needed to because the card wouldn't work. And no, I apparently do not have an "emergency" credit card for these situations. So, while crying will not get one out of a speeding ticket, it might get the guy at the gas station to soften a bit and allow you to write an out of town check! (just in case you are ever in the same predicament).

Abigail gets her leg braces tomorrow. We are hoping that this will be the last thing we have to do to help her overcome her obstacles. She is stretched, but still toe walking, so this has been the next step in helping her to walk a little more "normally". She spent the night at a slumber party last night and I am more than anxious because one of the girls going to it has made fun of her in the past for the way she walks. Sam has asked where she is at least twenty times - yet they pick at each other something fierce lately.

I am so out of the loop on everything - David? Lafayette? Huh? Anyway, Hedy, I hope your vacation has been fabulous - the flooding down South amazed me - it must have been great to get away. Good luck all as we start back into the final stretch. Seems odd we won't be in the Haute this summer!