Another week behind us makes me wonder what are we rushing to reach. Having a four day week was sweet, but felt so chaotic; everyone was wacky around here. I long for normal, but seem to have forgotten how normal looks. Probably like this week. Our resident wiseguy emailed "tomorrow is just a mirror of today" on our first day back. I threatened to take him out if I ever heard that again. I want a fresh start everyday, a new chance to get it right.
It was great to hear Abby's good report, Angela. What a thrill. Hope the doc has more good things to share at that appointment. What is her summer Starbucks treat? Having that tradition is great; we do TGIFridays after every Rileys visit with our girls. Who are doing great, BTW. Mackenzie has lost nearly 50 pounds this summer, the meds are being cut back and her body is relishing it. She looks so cute, still so short about 4'9" but so cute. And Maddie is blossoming, too. Loves being back in school with her friends and hasn't lost ALL her hair for several weeks now. It holds on to about 1/2 inch of red fuzz. Sweet. Oh, the blessings of healthy children.
I planned to start a quilt this morning, but just haven't made the move. Nina has the house all clean and I opened all the windows this morning. I just hate to mess it up with fabric scraps and flying threads. I've just kinda sat and looked outside, observing the sights and sounds so far today. Peaceful. I said "no" to every offer I've had today; no shopping, no festival, no going to lunch, just chilling here alone...ahhhh. Steve, Stephen and Caleb have gone to Elnora for the Antique Tractor Festival, Courtney took Shay and Kenz to Jasper for haircuts and lunch, Mom's gone shopping, but I stood firm, feeling I needed to be still for a day.
Angela, I'm going back to Chicago for the Ophelia Conference instead of ISCA. I really enjoy that group of presenters and think they are on target with most of our school's issues. I want to take the CyberBullying Workshop, but it cost so much more to add and extra day. I wish some of you would come to it. My sister is going with me again. It is such a nice few days for us. She loves window shopping during the day, scoping out places for us to visit in the evening. Her son, Joe, and his fiancee, Bonner, will join us one night. They live on the lake and work downtown. Joe is in financing and Bonner in marketing, she has been in some commercials but mostly works behind the scenes. They are a typical professional couple, I guess, but we look at their lives as rushed. Deb keeps hoping they will move back when they decide to have kids, but I doubt that. Orange county, or even Louisville cannot compare to Chicago.
It was interesting to talk to Jim again, he is at ISU working on his doctorate. Draper is gone, of course, in fact Dr. Boyer is the only full fledged professor in the counseling program. They have combined it with some other program just to keep it going. I am not clear on what, but something in the School of Ed. Tonya is in charge, but the cohort is full of complaints and concern; according to Jim. I don't understand how something so acclaimed can go to pot in such a short time. I guess Peggy was all that held it together. She hasn't been back since that time with us, apparently. Draper is in Utah, surprise, and those guys (Cindy, Jim, Shelley and Brownyn) are still in awe of him. Maybe there was more to him than I could see. I thought he just basked in the glory of their adoration a little too much. I might be wrong.
Has anyone heard from Staci or Carrie lately? I heard Carrie is pregnant again. Staci emailed for awhile, but not this term. I miss her craziness. What a role model she is for the girls at her school; strong, self-assured, pretty, and a fashion diva. I missed most of those boats.
Hope you have managed to get together at Anna's new place and met her new man. Nice that she and Kirstie can socialize together with their boys. Just like a storybook or movie script. Our waterpark is on track for fall, hope you all can visit down here. It looks so cool, towering over the town with its glass walls and watershutes projecting out into space. Someone is building an indoor racetrack, too. They've torn up a hillside right below the waterpark, which hasn't set well with some locals, but progress is an ugly business. We appear to be building new instead of saving the old buildings around. Downtown stands empty while next door new towers and landscapes spring up. Makes me sad, I wish we had the $$$$ to invest in restoring an old building and creating a shop or restaurant of some kind. Our son-in-law is an excellent chef and would love a place of his own, but that involves more risk than we can take. He created a shrimp pasta with white wine cream sauce for the place he is working now and it is wonderful, smooth, light and tasty. YUM. His desserts are terrific, too. We have him make treats for Shawn's jewelry parties and all our birthday celebrations.
How are you feeling, Janelle? No problems, I hope. I keep thinking about your cute home, it has such a cozy loving feeling in it. I'd love to have a living room that size, I'd be rearranging furniture constantly. What fun. Of course, Brian's big screen TV would have to go. I can never get them to work in MY designs. Hehehe. Steve doesn't like that about me, either. He eventually, will be caste off to the basement with his TV, deer heads, guns and bows. Or maybe not.
Jill, I don't think our friend will last out the semester here. He has become a target for abuse. if he supports something, it is cancelled, or blackballed. It is rough on him. We all are rallying around, but this week was real bad. Lots of loud yelling and public put downs. I hate it for him and have encouraged him to walk if he wants to. Life is too short for such bull. Hope all is going well with mom and dad in Gosport. Are you all getting closer to a decision? You are in my heart, Girl.
Miss you all and pray your lives are good. Love
I'm here, Hedy, I'm here!!! I have been reading your blog all summer and enjoying the interaction amongst the gaggle. Oh, how I miss you ladies!!! I have attempted to comment a few times and forgot my password, and honestly just been too lazy to make up a new one...
Carrie had little baby Evan on June 4th. He is doing great, Carrie had a few issues with her c-section, required an additional procedure to rid of infection, but is on the mend. Jack seems to like his brother (for now anyway.)
Melissa and I are in a Bunco group together (drunko bunco) we are meeting at my house this Friday. She is happy to have her position, but is holding out for an elementary opening.
I am really feeling a little more at ease this year. I love my job, my school, my kids! I have had seniors that graduated last year come back to visit me, and that just thrills me. My secretary laughs, she has never seen such a thing in our office. I am so thrilled not to have to deal with ISTEP, we have a different beast, the PSAE, which is actually ACT and Work Keys combined, and takes place in the spring. I have had a few honors bestowed upon me this year...LEA for all IEP meetings, which includes the thrill of coordinating all meetings. We have and Outreach Coordinator that is supposed to take care of this, but since I am so willing to help, or bend over and grab my ankles, I get to take care of it. I also volunteered myself for Junior Class sponsor b/c I am a money whore and love to plan the event. I will do anything for an extra 1K! We are working on our Homecoming Float. Our building is celebrating it's 100th year, so we are doing the whole decades thing, our kids chose the 70's, disco it is!! We are moving the Prom out of the skanky KC Hall to the swanky Ohio Building in Terre Haute, so we are ruffling some feathers. We are doing a really cool Mentoring, Freshman Focus program that of course I am smack dab in the middle of!! And as of today I am the chairperson of my daughter's school carnival...I think I will be putting off the PhD. thing for a while!
Jadelin is getting ready for ISTEP, poor thing, doesn't know what she is in for! Boys are great, both starting pre-school this year. Still having some issues with Garrett's behavior, not sure what avenue to go down next. J.D. is traveling alot, but doing well.
I have had a littl insight on the program, not going well at all. The cohort does not care much for Catherine, things are going down hill fast. Peg Byrer is serving as an adjunct. Thank God we are through!!!!
Love to all...would love to see you all! Take care of all those kiddos and babies!!
Staci...are you guys doing Freshman Focus? I have been trying to look into the program for the past few weeks and keep playing phone tag with some Steve guy. I just want more info about it to take to my principal. Anything you could tell me about it would be great! Maybe I should visit your school to check it out :) Email me at work I would greatly appreciate it!
Everything else is going well here. Everything is wonderful with the new guy. He is a great person and we have a wonderful relationship :) It was nice to see Kirstie last week and hopefully we are still on for this week! Lafayette girls...I would love to get together for dinner sometime. I am home almost every night so let me know when is good for you! I'm pretty flexible. I would love to see you all again.
I won't be going to ISCA this year either. I was not impressed last year and I am going to a bullying conference that is going on at the same time. when is the Ophelia conference? I would like to go, but I feel like I am going to be out of the building so much this fall I don't know if I can. Are we planning a reunion sometime this fall? I am up for anything!
Love you all!
Hey Staci! Great to hear the good word. Glad to hear that Carrie is doing well. Boys are so much fun. Mine are usually up to no good, but it's ok. MAkes life more exciting to find crickets in my shoes and frogs in the shower. (Yes, both happened recently).
Rex and I spent yesterday on the mighty Tippecanoe River with 8 other friends for our yearly drunken canoe trip. What a good time. My backside hurts a bit, but only minor bruising from the few times we tipped over. It was a really beautiful day though.
Glad to hear things are well with your family, Hedy. The pictures are wonderful. Anyone know how or if we can post pics as well? I havent set up anything on any other sites. I would love to post some. Just need to figure it out.
Hope everyone has a good week. Enjoy the cooler temps. Great football weather. FAll reunion sounds fantaskic.
Love to all.
It is so good to hear from you, Staci. Say hello to Mellissa and Carrie for me. Or ask them to join us here.
Anna, contact Terra Querry at Edgewood High School, her mom is one of my closest friends, Terra is the freshman conselor there and I'm pretty sure the use the freshman thing you are interested in. Good to hear about the Man, too.
Alison, I've seen 2 movies this weekend that I think you were starring in. I'm not kidding these ladies could be your twin. Of course, I cannot remember who they are. Post some pix of the boys by; signing into Gagglespeak, click on add, click on layout, click Add a Gadget, Picture +. If I can do it, it is a cakewalk for you. Can't wait to see.
Hey! Tank here....yes, I am only 20 weeks along, but look like I am about to deliver. I really feel like I am carrying this baby in my backside....and maybe even in my boobs and double chin! Brian has been so nice...he doesn't comment when I ask him if my butt is getting big. Sense any sarcasm?! I do have an ultrasound on the 25th...just praying for a healthy baby...and praying for ONE baby!
It is so good to hear out of everyone! So happy that Carrie's little guy is here. Love the name too!
I have a meeting with Tonya tomorrow. One of our FACS teachers is going through the program. She has had several complaints, but nothing that is any different than when we were there.
Brian and I are about to purchase a small lake cabin...sounds like fun, huh? NOOOOOO!! It sounds like a ton of work! Some days I think a divorce would be easier....just teasing!!!! Tucker, if you tell him I said that, I will deny it forever!
Avery is getting quite mischevious these days. I'm still "mean mommy" and she is still the biter. I'm hoping this biting thing is about to come to an end. We were leaving for school the other day and as we were walking through my bedroom saying bye-bye to everything, she stopped in front of the mirror, leaned over and gave herself a big smooch! I'm pretty sure she was thinking..."I've never met a mirror that I didn't like!" I think I am in for a long haul with her....
I have enjoyed the pictures of your family, Hedy. Your grandkids are absolutely adorable and I can't help but think how lucky they are to have such a cool and involved grandmother. They are so blessed!
I won't be at ISCA. I'll be in Florida for a wedding. Sorry gaggle! Talk to you all soon! I am definitely up for a fall reunion!
Hiya group. Ok, is it just me, or am I completely out of the loop? When oh when did Dr. Draper leave? Isn't Peggy full-time? What exactly does adjunct mean, anyway? Didn't Tonya finish her degree making her Dr. Balch as well? I hate when I much leaks out of my brain at night.
Hedy, I think you have to add Carrie to this group since you are the grand poobah of the blogsite.
Shit, I have to teach. Will write more later! love ya all!!!
I will also be skipping ISCA this year. Last year, aside from getting together with you all, was a dud. I am out of my building too much as it is this fall. I am looking at winter or spring conferences, any suggestions?
Kelly's wedding weekend was beautiful. We all had so much fun. Pat and Beau (Kelly's new husband) have been friends forever and are very excited to be "brothers" now. Their families have been friends for generations so it really is cool that someday Priebes and McClamrochs will be cousins.
Pat is going to NY this weekend for a wedding. I am looking forward to laying around watching movies all weekend.
Janelle- Will is engaged!
Jill- Don't worry, I don't really know what is going on at ISU either.
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