Sunday night once again. Time seems to be flying in my old...err, mature years. I had always been told this would happen, but thought it was a silly idea. But for the last several years, I feel as if I am continuously experiencing Sunday night. Days fly by, weeks last only hours, years melt together; do scientists know about this? It must be researched and prevented. I DO NOT CARE FOR IT!!!! I want it stopped NOW. I need to savor the summer days on my front porch, wallow in the glorius time spent with my babies on the beach, cherish the afternoons with my mom sitting at her kitchen table reliving our lives, laugh with Stephen King as we go on road trips driving 200 miles for lunch! All of these precious things are speeding past before I can grab hold and slow them down. Is it this way for everyone? I hope not. I hope others have 24 hours in each day to live in the moment; as we all did when we were children. Remember? Those summers that lasted forever, starting early each morning and going on until long after all the lightening bugs had been stuffed into coke bottle lanterns. Playing baseball with the neighbor kids all afternoon, hour after hour, hitting the ball, running the bases. Round n round. Waiting for the Ice Cream man to ring his bell on your street, calling every kid to come and get an icy popsicle, a creamy sherbet push-up or a nutty drumstick. Getting your bath and shampoo in the middle of the afternoon so you would be nice and clean for Bible school. Your mom braiding your wet hair so tight you couldn't smile for hours. And Sunday dinners at your grandmother's house; remember those long afternoons playing with the cousins in the yard, climbing trees, hiding in the wellhouse, locking the little kids in the outhouse, remember? My grandkids come for Sunday and it is over in a flash, the cooking, eating, clearing up, playing in the yard, taking walks...poof and it is Sunday night once again.
I had such a wonderful time at our Gagglefest at the waterpark, Ladies. It was great to visit with everyone, we missed Kirstie and Angela and the kids though. I think Sam and Abbie would have loved the park, hope he is much improved and feeling good again. We even had an escaped murderer close by to add more excitement. All the kiddos were so well behaved and I loved holding Annie and Baby O. Such sweeties. I'm sure you mommies will enjoy the next meeting w/o the kids, but I had a ball. My girls were tickled to meet everyone, too. They were somewhat shocked to see so many of you, they'll never keep you straight. Stephen King refers to you as; the short one, the one who sat beside me, the one with the baby, the young one, the other one with the baby!! Clueless.
I start work Friday, officially, I have a meeting with some parents tomorrow, and a court appearance one day, so really my summer is over. At least I don't have the challenge of a new school, just a new principal. How'd the interviews go, Anna? Hope you got what you wanted. Are you having any lookers at the house? Al, I forgot to ask, is the new school year-round as your other one was? I think you will love the little guys, they are still so innocent. Elaine, hope you find a wonderful office set up just like you need it to be, in both schools! Or even just one. Jill, I'm working on a Friday trip to your town. Love you all. Talk to me.
I was so relieved to hear the murderer was caught in Indy, not in Paoli!!! Kind of nerve-racking to think someone dangerous was nearby. On the way up Shoals road I was thinking how wonderful it would be to horseback ride and hike in the hills only then to have a shiver run down my body to think of all of the places one could hide in those hills...
My new school is not on balanced calendar like Rochester is, so my boys all go back on Aug 6, and I don't until the 11th, but no students until the 13th. We all still get out around the same time though. No more 2 week fall break. That's the one I will miss, but that's also why I have personal days! ;)
Trenton and I had such a great time! He was not ready to go home. We had some much needed time by ourselves. I don't get much time alone with him, as it seems I am running Jordan to practice or games, or he's riding in the tractor or working with dad or Papa. Elaine and I enjoyed catching up, even through the crying, screaming, tattling for 5 hours. It was fun and I wouldn't have done it any other way, though I'm sure Elaine doesn't believe that!!
Take care and hope you all have a safe start to the school year. Anna, hope that interview went well and you get it! Kirstie and Angela, hope things are well with you both. I missed not seeing and catching up with you both. Have a great last few days/weeks of summer vaca everyone!
love to all.
Hope you all had a great visit. The concert was great!! Big hair, loud music, good times!
My last few days of break have been a little of a bummer, but I am back at it this morning and already taking time to relax and chat online...easing my way back.
My neice Taylor has a condition that caused her sternum to grow inward and which caused her spine to curve. The poor thing has been taking a brow beating for 2 years about her poor posture only to find it is a medical condition. She has surgery Friday at Riley where they made an incision on both sides of her chest and inserted a rod and pushes against the sternum and forces it outward. It is very painful and for an aspergers kid, very aggravating! Made for a long weekend. She is doing better, though.
Hedy, one of my brother's roommates from college is either a teacher or administrator in your area...Troy M...last name escapes me, but I could tell you some hilarious stories if you ever need to put him in his place.
Hope you all have a great start. Congrats Anna!
Pritchett...Troy Pritchett....
Staci, sorry to hear about your niece, my brother-in-law and nephew have similar condition, but theirs didn't require surgery. She'll be in my prayers. Troy is our new principal and I've heard more than a few things on him. He is a hometown boy, big brother is our super. But he assures me that "he is only here to help me in my pursuit of educating our youth". Isn't that peachy? We missed you at gagglefest, but understand your need to go rock-n-roll. Crazy Lady. Keep us posted.
Ask him about the time he shot his roommate with a paint ball gun while someone else simultaneously shot a gun in the air. Scott(who is now a principal in the haute) thought he had been shot...there may have been some alcohol involved...There was also a time where they entertained some Bengals Cheerleaders...all things to put in your tool box Ms.Hedy!
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