Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hello Ladies,
What a great week! Our weather is "outstanding" to quote Stefan. You just cannot imagine the blue in the sky overhead. It was already 65 when I got up today. We are having a pitch-in at Nina's for Stephen King's birthday today and Trent's tomorrow. The kiddos will be playing outside and all G-ma's chicks will be together. Happy, happy. :-) Courtney's been home for a couple of weeks, going back to Oz the 16th. It's been great to have her home, but her heart is Down Under. She isn't coming to Indy with us because my niece, Stori, is coming back from Africa with her new babies on Saturday. Those two boys are so precious, little brothers only 10 months apart, 8 and 18 months old. Chad, the oldest, speaks French but is catching on to English fast. The whole town is involved in this adventure because of Stori's blog and FB. I hope some of you have looked at "ourstoribook". It is a leap of faith for the family.
I'm excited about our gagglefest next week. Kirstie's baby bump should be obvious by then! I loved your comment on "Mrs. Mac taught us", Kirstie, great to know they are listening and learning! Hope you are feeling better, Jill. And the rest of you, STAY WELL. Gotta go fix myself for the party. Talk to me, Ladies. Hedy


Kirstie said...

Yes, just in the last couple weeks the baby bump has blossomed.I am looking forward to seeing the gaggle this week. Who else is going to ISCA?

Unknown said...

So excited for Friday! What are the plans??? Tell me again what hotel and where. I'm not going to ISCA but will be there with flying colors on Friday!

Hedy King said...

Anna, Sheraton at the Crossroads, Keystone and 86th. I'll be at ISCA on Friday and then at hotel. No plans for the evening yet. CheeseCake Factory??? Wine and talk?? Plenty of choices in the area. Janelle will not be there, sadly she lost a good friend over the weekend and is needed at home. Angela can't make it either. I hope everyone else can make it..Got a text from Elaine and she is coming!! Safe travels ladies.

Milk House door said...

I can't wait! i'm so ready for the weekend! Cheesecake factory sounds wonderful, as does the wine and good talk. See you Friday!!!!

Unknown said...

Cheesecake factory is my favorite! I'm sad janelle and Angela can't make it but can't wait to see everyone else!

Oh yes and wine! I need wine! Sorry Kirstie :)

Hedy King said...

Hey, Girls, I messed up, hotel is the Marriott North, same location different hotel. Sorry