Hello all. Another Sunday evening. Waiting for my chicks to get here for supper. I made brown beans and ham, cheezy potato soup, cornbread and angel food cupcakes, chocolate and raspberry filled. I hope someone is hungry. I haven't fed them since Christmas break, so I'm starved to see them all at home.
We have had a 2 day snow break this week, it was nice and unexpected. I really don't know if me and my teachers could have survived a whole week. That 2 week Christmas break was a spoiler. I love the snow, but this cold weather is a killer. I hurt all over and am only warm in bed. I've intended to finish quilting projects and start a new one, but have only managed to read [ :-)], patterns and instructions for projects...that's almost the same as starting, isn't it? What a peaceful time this has been though. at least for those of us who haven't had to get outside and work. Our Stephen has been working in Terre Haute setting forms for a new project. Cold as Hell, we all know. Poor guy. But atleast he is working. So many aren't as lucky right now. My heart goes out to them. We had our own low years when we first married and started our family. Stephen King was critically injured when Stephen was a baby and we lived on Worksman's Comp at $36 a week for months. Imagine trying that now.
I'm looking forward to getting back and working hard this semester to raise our grades and tests scores. I'm starting a new Bullying guidance lesson to deal with bystanders. Most of our kids are the bystanders, of course, observing without taking a stand. I hope to turn this around. Make heroes of them! I also have a new Girl's program I'd like to flesh out for the middle school. Just wish I could recruit some younger adults to run it for us. I'm tired and old. I hate to tie up one more late day. I best check on my soups right now, back tonight.
OK, it is now Monday night.
Boy, the students were loud today, must have be glad to get back to their friends. Everyone was in a great mood though. Even my downstairs boys who cause me grief were impressed with the automatic paper towel dispenser in the restroom they routinely destroy. I wonder how long it will last and what were they thinking to install it there. We have had sausage and biscuits in the urinals, locked stalls, plugged toilets and boys sitting on the urinals in there. Wonder what they will do with free flowing paper toweling? Give a boy a motorized toy and he can rule the world. I do believe 12 year olds are a different species. From real people, I mean.
Good to hear from Elaine. I'm wondering about a winter gagglefest. Who is planning it? Lets wait till the great freeze out of 2010 passes, OK? I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. I wasn't too happy with the place I chose last year, what else is available and better? I looked at B & Bs, but they all looked musty. I enjoy the modern ones with spas attached. Do you have one of those in Laffy? Can we afford it?
I'm resolved to starting each new day in a positive mood this year. So far, so good. We can at least choose that much for ourselves. girls. The world may enter and smack us around, but that first few minutes belongs to us. Use them as a blessing. Love you all. Talk to me. Hedy
It kind of struck me when you said to at least start each day in a positive frame of mind, even if it is only a few minutes before the real world enters in. I am trying to decide if that first "real world blow" of the day hits harder or if ti softens the blow if you start positive. I am trying the start positive approach. It's hard when it feels like no one else is. This semester has already had its ups and downs and this is only our 6th day in sesson. Between the roller coaster on outside and this baby doing summersults on the inside, I don't know how I stay standing.
BTW Baby Mac is doing great. Dr. says we're measuring about 2 weeks earlier than my due date. But she said the average of the measurments may be off because Baby Mac is so smart :) Actually she said Baby Mac's just has a big head. woohoo! I am having appointments every 2 weeks now and reading everything I can get my hands on. Somethings I read are comforting other things make me think "OH CRAP".
If this has any affect on gagglefest plans... My sisters are planning a baby shower on Feb 28. It will be in Danville, IN.
It sure is cold! We had a crazy week back last week as well, with two delays and Friday off. The kids are reeling though and we are all glad to be back in some kind of routine this week.
Trent started basketball last week. My Monday and Saturday are kind of shot for a while. We are going to Minnesota on Feb 5 for our niece, Abby's, baptism. I get to be a godmother! I'm so excited. :) Jordan's birthday is the Feb 15th. I can't believe he's going to be 10 this year. where has all of the time gone? How is my baby going to be that old already? Kirstie, you will be surprised how quickly it passes by. I was looking at the calendar the other day thinking this school year is going to fly past me too. I know the winter tends to drag, but we have so much written in already it makes my head spin. I do hope someday it all slows down.
Hope everyone is staying healthy and warm. Sounds like a warm up is on it's way along with lots of fog. delays are ok with me!
Take care and stay safe.
Kirstie, The 28th sounds good to me, in Danville? Is that good with everyone? I'll look into rooms there.
Seeing the doc every 2 weeks means you are getting close, Kirstie! Yay, this frequent appts. make the time fly by. Keep positive and ignore the "Crap". Everyone has a horror story to share, just never you mind. :-)
Let me know if this works, Ladies. Talk to me. H
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