Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday again, such short weekends. Home alone, Steve and Stephen are camping this weekend with their fellow muzzleloading friends. Shooting targets, cooking over fire and dressing like settlers. Whatever turns you on, I guess. I prefer a nice hotel, a good dinner and a cozy bookstore. And yet, we love to travel together. Needless to say, we see some strange combinations of points of interest along the way. Historical markers are always noted and read, antique stores are visited, funky restaurants are ventured into. And so far, we have avoided sleeping in the wild.

I visited our neighborhood nursery yesterday for my front porch flower selection...I went with pink for the two big pots on the porch steps. I'm having an open-house for my daughter-in-law's new business venture on Thursday evening and needed something pretty. I haven't decided what to do with the back porch or the garden area. I try to be more cottagey back there. This is the year to expand and experiment more with my flowers, no school, no ISU and Steve will be here doing the digging and lifting. I've gotten some hot pink day lilies and gladiolas for one area, I loved the combination on paper, hope it works out in real life. We need more boxwood along the front of our porch, too. We have never done a formal entry there and it needs year round color; the front porch is such a dominate part of our house. We have been invaded by a strange mint plant for years; it covers every cultivated area. All the flower and vegetable beds get smothered under it if we don't diligently pull it out. I wouldn't mind it as a ground cover if it were not so tall, it gets 8-10 inches and doesn't look neat in a bed. Is anyone gardening big this summer? I always had massive vegetable gardens when our kids were home. It was such a chore. Only Trent has followed our tradition of gardening, he and Nina plant everything. Courtney had a small garden last year, but they are moving to a Bloomington apartment this spring. And Stephen is moving to a big farm house, but probably won't have time to garden. They have so many things going on.

Shawn is selling Silpada jewelry; a pricey new line. I hope the poor economy doesn't hurt her chances of success. She is a natural salesperson. So cute and bubbly, she makes everything look irresistible. Mackenzie has to has some sinus surgery done soon; she has polyps. Her specialist is concerned with the risks of surgery, but feels the risk of harboring infection is greater in those sinuses. She is freaking out about it all, in a comedic way. Between the move and the surgery, she claims the world is against her and goes all drama-queen on us. Truthfully, the move is more challenging, she does not accept change well and sees the farm as a threat. I know she will adapt and enjoy the new place, it even has a library, her favorite place in the world. Madeleine and Caleb love the wide-open feel of the farm; I see them getting lost regularly for awhile. They know no boundaries.

Shay graduates this year; oh, my. Prom was last night, she looked so pretty and had a great time, won an iPod Shuffle, stayed til 3:00 AM. The Lifeskills teacher always stays with those kids at AfterProm and they love it. I pray Shayla has a safe group of friends after high school. She is involved with the Special Olympics groups and knows so many good people. But she is so naive and can be taken advantage of, too. But she is such a sunny woman-child, everyone loves her.

School goes on as usual; more challenges daily. Jill, your friend is suffering from bloodclots and will be having surgery soon. He gets spacier by the day, a dear person, but... I will be surprised if he doesn't retire. We were just told we will be 1.5 teachers short next year and will have to revise the schedule once again. I do believe this is a test; for what purpose, I don't know but it cannot be real. We have 3 positions on the Board being challenged in the May election. It will be interesting to see the fallout from this. The ads are getting very inflammatory. Fun stuff. And we just get to Triage the mess. Good thing Safety Academy offered that workshop on Interrogation this spring, except we cannot speak with our Board members.

Obviously, we all made the wrong career choice, but what are you going to do? I love my job, if I could just leave the adults out of it...administration and parents.

It was good to hear from the posters this week. I understand how busy everyone gets as spring comes. Kiristie, we miss your jokes, have you turned serious in your old-age? I haven't heard a pirate joke in weeks. Anna, still looking to move to Lafayette? I hope you find the perfect home for you and the General. Is he staying in the military? Are you staying at NM? Only a few more weeks, Elaine and you can be back home with everyone for the summer. Angela, LimitedToo has the cutest tanks with sparkly horses on them. What size does Abbie wear?

We've rented another Beach house for June. This one is on Dauphin Island in Alabama. The kids are so excited, it has its own pool. We cannot wait; being away with all of them is such a wonderful time. We can visit without the distractions of life. I think I would have loved being one of those old-fashioned families like the Waltons, who all shared a big house. Of course, the menfolk would protest that. Too many loud kids and bossy women!!! I'm sure. The area offeres enough variety for everyone, history, nature and just relaxation.

Gotta go, Gaggle. The family is coming for supper and cakes need to be frosted, hams need to be baked and potatoes peeled. Have a good week, Everyone. Love


Staci said...

O.K. Ladies...I am still at school at 5:30 on Friday evening for something called May Fete, which doesn't start until 8 p.m. I still don't have a complete grasp, but from what I understand it is a Debutante Coming Out of sorts where all of the senior girls where formal dresses, get their hair and nails did and hope they get queen. During the program, different groups perform. This year's theme is "POP", so the performances are to various pop songs through the years. This is where it gets entertaining. As a newbie, I have been roped into performing in the Teacher's Dance, I will be playing the role of Posh Spice of the Spice Girls.

Leather Pants...$85
Blonde Hi-Lites...$93
New Counselor busting her ass during the time honored May Fete Tradition...priceless

Watch for me on YouTube!! I would search under "Fat Girl Spice"

Unknown said...

hi group

just a quick note to you all....

i think i invited the gaggle to my house, but i can't remember the date!!! did we pick one? somebody let me know!

also, hedy, could you add carrie to the gagglespeak? she would like to stay in touch as well...

i know you all are crazy...because i am.....end of the school year crap....our student records server keeps going down....arrrgggghhhhh!!!

mom is getting crazier by the day....we are meeting with an attorney next week to get her medicare eligible...i don't think it will be a problem, but wish us luck anyway. dad is ready to let her go to the nursing home. she is very mean at times, and i think he is honestly afraid he will hurt her if he has to defend himself. it really, really sucks.

i think hedy is the white maya angelou. (is that how you spell her name?) hedy, i really think you should take up a career in writing short stories. you have such a gift of language. are the only person i know who would spend $85 for leather pants. of course, you will get the use of them on your harley!

anyway, i wish i had the energy to write something personal to all of you. know that i love you and think of you all often.


Hedy King said...

Jill, I do hope you invited us, I'd love to see you. I am so sorry about your mom, mine has been flaky for a while, but I don't think it is serious. I think she just may be channeling a blonde. Thanks for the Maya comments, I've always wanted to be a white somebody, or a black somebody even.
Staci, I would pay to see you at the Fete. You make the rest of us look so provincial. I should be wearing a long skirt and sunbonnet. Love