What a gorgeous day in Southern Indiana; I hope the North is fairing as well. Can we imagine living where the climate never changes? I love the gentle change of seasons, but in our Ohio Valley change can come quick and violently. Our farm was hit by the 1974 tornadoes which struck Louisville, Ky. That was a terrifying night. Right out of the movies; except our cattle didn't fly.
Janelle, Lady Avery is 2 and that means she is training to be an entertainer, spitting juice is just the beginning of her tricks. Staci's advice was spot on, ignore what you can and a tap on the lips when you cannot. You must pick your battles, she has to win some of them or she'll make YOU suffer. My sister chose to pee in our furnace registers for attention, and Caleb takes his "winkie" out to "look around". Lady A could be worse. Gee. I'd love to see her.
Our first week back was fun, 672 flats of SADD strawberries were sold and delivered, it rained another flood; our athletic fields are rice paddies for the spring, our students refuse to choose classes for next year so we are doing it for them, our teachers are reeling from next year's schedule and the counselors are to blame. Just another week in public education. The good news is that SADD is clearing a boatload of profits to pay for AfterProm and can rent the mechanical bull and pay for T shirts. The WildWest will rock on Prom night. I swear every year is my last, and I mean it this year. Someone has to take over, I'll be 60 next year, too mature to be riding bulls. Did anyone see that listed under the duties of a middle school counselor????
Steve is vacationing on his sister's Texas ranch with all his sisters this week, San Antonio is beautiful this time of year. He and his brother-in-law are going hunting, but this is mostly family time. He is the only boy among 5 sisters and is the next youngest, they still call him "Stevie". He will be ruined by the time he gets back. They are a very close bunch, my in-laws had 6 kids in 7 years; more like a litter than a family. All very strong, good women, I've been lucky with having loving in-laws. I did miss my coffee in bed yesterday morning; it is our ritual that is a day I can sleep in, Steve brings my coffee to me. Quite a luxury and I love him for it. All those years of carrying his dinner to him finally paid off for me. He has taken over many chores since retiring, grocery shopping, banking, his laundry and bedmaking. I feel like a queen.
I'm on my way to spend the afternoon with Mom, she has recovered from her bout with the flu, but is a little shaky still. I need to check out her financial statements for this quarter and we will replace the flowers on Dad's grave with bright tulips. He loved brilliant colors and we decorate his monument according to the season with the brightest we can find. He wore pink shirts before it was acceptable and always wanted to be styling. He was a very handsome man, dark with thick black hair and the blackest eyes. Even his coworkers called him "Dark eyes". It seems impossible that he has been gone 9 years; I still expect to see him when I walk into the house. I really do not think that will change. Janelle, my thoughts are with you.
Have a great week, Gaggle. We can start marking the days till summer. Hedy
Thanks for the advice, Gaggle. I am working on perfecting the ignoring. Brian says I've already perfected it because I've used this on him for quite some time. Oh, if he only knew....he he he...:)
Hedy, I'm not sure we will ever get used to our loved ones not walking through that door. This week will be 5 years that my mom has been gone and I can still hear her voice in my head as if it were yesterday. Although there are days that it feels like it's been much more than 5 years. Last Sunday would have been my dad's 53rd bday. Needless to say, I have a tough time this time of year...some days I just want to drink! Did I get your attention with that? I'm only teasing!
On a brighter note, my grandparents just left our house a few minutes ago. They only live 2 miles from our house, but have waited to see the updating of the house until we were finished. They raised their family here and have enjoyed watching us grow into this house too. I think they liked the changes.
Tomorrow should be a calm day at school....1/2 of the junior high is in Washington DC! Enjoy your weeks!
I was just talking to my sister the other day about how odd it was that while registering a student, their phone number had the exact same last four digits as my grandma and grandpa's used to. I started thinking about how long it has been since I have been able to call them. It has been almost 10 years since grandpa passed and 8 for my grandma and a day rarely goes by that I wish I could call and talk to one of them. It is so hard.
Janelle - I hope your day turned out okay yesterday. I have learned to NEVER say the words "Wow, today is mild compared to yesterday" because it will no doubt cause all of my frequent fliers to cash in their miles at the same time! By the way, I was thinking that if you tied Avery to a tree until she peed her pants - no wait - nobody in their right minds would do that!
The Bieghlers are settling into the fabulous 4's with Sam. My sister bought him a shirt that says, "My parents are exhausted" and he wears it with pride - the other day he asked if after you grow up, do you grow down and become a kid again? I think he is on to something because when someone asked us how many kids there were in our family Abigail answered, "3 if you include my daddy".
If any of you have suggestions for motivating my first grader please throw them my way. There is no question as to her intelligence. While not a genious, she does quite well. However, she is always holding up the class becuase of her inability to start tasks in a timely manner, or the inability to return from the restroom without "twirling" down the hallway and stopping to look at every single picture along the way. She also is always last in line, even if she is dismissed first! Now, after you are finished chuckling and throwing out words like "pay back", it is not just me. The teacher is concerned about it as well. Do any of you think these are signs of ADD in a girl? I am at my wits end - and no sticker chart reward system has worked so far - not even a promised trip to American Girl Doll store or Build A Bear. UGH! The teacher says that it does not seem to phase Abigail that the whole class is waiting on her several times a day - and it does not bother her to have to stay in for recess to complete work either. You all are so creative - what do you have up your sleeves to help me light a fire under her butt?????
Are you sure you aren't talking about Jadelin?? I swear Angela, these are all the same issues we are having. We have been the ADD testing route...no go (thankfully.) I see no need to break a kids spirit, however, I am putting the smack down on my diva. The Psych we went to suggested timing daily activities such as "let's see how fast you can put on your shoes and get out to the van" hoping this will give her the sensation of urgency, a skill she has yet to develop. He also suggested that I have her report in after every step in a 3 step process,"go get your shoes on then report back to me..." (very annoying to both mother and child.)
I have come to the conclusion that she is a well adjusted child who is comfortable in her surroundings and with herself, and really isn't that what we hope for...
I had a mother tell me last night I was awful, and it has really stayed with me. You see, my daughter was in dance class and had to go to the restroom, her teacher asked her to wait until the end of jazz class. By the time she got to the restroom she could not get out of her leotard quick enough and require a change of wardrobe. I was in a boxing class with the rest of the mothers, so when I came upstairs and saw her in different clothes and she explained I laughed (so did Jadelin.) The other mom's said I was mean to laugh at my kid. I explained that I don't sugar coat things at my house, and if you can't laugh at yourself, then what good are you??? Am I right??? I mean, she peed in her leotard...that's funny stuff...O.K. maybe I am sick...
I love those little girls; they are so much like my sister. Deb was a firecracker while I was a prissy bore. I know she had so much more fun as a child than I did. Let them be themselves while cracking the academic whip, they will be terrific women. I'm sure Abbie and Jadelin are acting out the scenes in their creative minds as they twirl down the hallways. And Lady A will follow in the same path, I'm sure. Bravo. Help them develop empathy and compassion for others along with this independence and you have done your job as a parent. Remember unhappy kids do not giggle and swirl!
Janelle, I bet your g-parents are thrilled with your work on the house. Just to have family carrying the tradition is reward enough for them. Love, H
When I grow up, I want to be just like Hedy. I love her....don't you all agree?
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