Sunday, August 9, 2009

WOF and Alien Invasion

Hi girls,
Has everyone experienced the thrill of returning to work yet? I start my 3rd week tomorrow. Believe me...the thrill is gone. Having the kids show up will be anti-climatic for me. New principal, new student management program, and I'm going back as a 6o year old. Not the makings of a fun year. However, I am determined to be optimist and look for all the positives I can find. Same as last year and the ones before. Who knows maybe this time everything will be alright.
My sister and I went to Women of Faith in Indy again this weekend. It is a wonderful way to prepare for the school year, or any other challenge. Just Deb and me and 12,000 of our best friends gathering at Conseco and sharing moments with a few of the most talented Christian women around. Sheila Walsh is my favorite. She shares such personal, painful stories; I admire her courage so much. Her singing is powerful and hopeful, it just makes you feel better. This year Mandisa was a big part of the gathering. She is one terrific lady, talented, beautiful and strong. And she wears the best. big girl clothing I've ever seen. Steven Curtis Chapman shared his music on Friday evening, his boys play in his band and his wife and girls were there, too. Such a message his Cinderella CD carries. This is something for you all to consider attending. The timing makes it difficult for those of us in schools, but it is worth giving up a half day to attend the Friday night and Saturday sessions. Google Women of Faith and see for yourself.
I have contracted some kind of rash in the last few weeks that is keeping me hot and bothered. It started around my neck like hives, moved up to my cheeks and scalp, now it is crawling down my body like some alien being making me red, swollen and itchy. Plus it looks ugly. Nice image, I know. Sorry, but what are friends for if not to share all life's little joys, bumps and bruises? And red, scaly, swollen, alien beings? I'm sure it will go away soon, as it is down to my knees today. I keep hoping it will crawl away when it gets to my feet. Gotta stay positive :-) I'll talk more later, right now I need to slather on another bottle of Benedryl ointment. Love you all. Hedy


Janelle said...

Poor Hedy! So sorry you are dealing with this rash. Sounds like a real pain...and discomfort. Brian and I were in downtown Indy all weekend for a wedding, shopping and celebrating our anniversary. I wish I would have realized why their were so many women running around! I would have put it together that you were there! Bummer!

Hope all is well with everyone! Love to all.

Jill Tucker said...

Hey ladies. Today is first day with students. Yesterday I was a pack mule, moving books back into my classroom because of the remodeling. I can't even begin to tell you how upset I am that we are back in school with the mess around us. I have a horrible attitude and just want to cry. There are so many negatives here....I am definitely retiring next December....this can't be good for me or my students.

Hedy, back in the day I think I called your rash the creeping crud. Take a shower, girlfriend! lol Seriously, good luck with has to be miserable....

Good luck to all of you as another year begins....

Staci said...

Your Indy weekend reminds me of my bff's bachelorette party...well sort of...

There were approximately 20 of us lovely ladies, all carrying various bachelorette party accessories, inflatable men, phallic shaped sippy cups, 6 ft inflatable male member, you know, the essentials. As we were standing in the lobby of the Days Inn a bus load of folks arriving for the Billy Graham revival began to file in. I am just sure they prayed for our souls most of the weekend. Probably a good thing!

Kirstie said...

Today was my second day with students. Everyone is talking about the "honeymoon" period at the beginning of the year... it's a myth. At least for me. Things actually are going good it is just so easy to fall into the negativity. I think Maggie (our puppy) is taking it the hardest. SHe was so used to being out almost all day with Pat and I around and now she is spending most of her time locked up. I really missed all of you this summer and look forward to getting together in the fall.

Kirstie said...

Some of you heard via text...
There is another little gosling on the way. Pat and I are expecting!!! Due date is March 25. I am feeling pretty good. I get a stomach ache if I don't eat every couple of hours and I get sleepy early. Pat is already "The Proud Dad". More later :)

Unknown said...

Yay to Kirstie! I tried to text you back but it wouldn't go through :(

I am almost through my first week with the kiddos and I am ready for the weekend...I am exhausted! It has been a great change and I love the school I am in...I finally feel like I belong somewhere! Even though it has been great I have a lot to learn about how they do things. Most of it is very differnt from North, but that is ok with me! I hope everyone else is surviving...

Staci, you kill me!

Milk House door said...

Yay Kirstie!!! I'm so glad for you guys! Congrats!