Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Good is This Day?

Hello Everyone,
I hope the great north is as beautiful today as the deep south. Bright sun, nice breeze and 85 degrees. If only there were an ocean in sight, this woman would be soooooooo happy. Even without the ocean, it a good. I believe it is in reward for the hellish week we've had here; my car doors were frozen shut one day this week. I swear!!! Me trying to pretend it is spring in my capris and sandals, can even get in the Jeep without slpashing some of my hot coffee on the door handle. But now we've been given a day like this.
We have some plants to set out in the garden when the sun goes down some, you know the shy violet here can't have too much sun, I'll wilt. Or something. Stephen King has done a great job on the lawn and veggie garden, but I haven't ventured out there yet. What with my 15 hour days at public school. He has decided no squash, I am ruling against okra. I really just want tomatoes, green beans and corn, but I know we'll go crazy again and plant all manner of exotic vegetables. Mr. King canned and froze lots of goodies last year, we've almost exhausted our pantry. So nice to have a man that cans.
We have part of our front yard fenced for the sheep right now, how did that happen? People do get a kick out of watching them and the kids on the school bus love it. We only have 6 head here, most are at the farm, but 3 are new lambs and they are cuties. I wish we had room for more, but the neighbor doesn't want to sell and land. I'm working on chickens now, he seems not to be paying attention to my wishes, but I'll figure out something. The boys used to help me, but they are both busy with their wives wishes now!! Ha.
I do hope you are finished with your portfolios now. What a crock, any counselor doing her job doesn't have time for this. Why not reports from your supervisors? I guess Staci, Jill and I won't be bothered by such nonsense, right Girls? ISTEP is this week, of course. Staci, what does Illinois do while Indiana is chasing test scores? Do you just rely on teachers to pass the kids who are progressing and retain the others? Or are there end of course assessments? My daughter is raving about the wonders of Australian schools. They go year round, wear uniforms, are taught respect and actually have high graduation rates. I have started a push for an alternative school in Orange County. My super told me if I could figure a way to finance it, he would take it to the other supz in the county. We have too many kids who do not fit in public school. Whether this is a local phenomenon or generalized all over, I don't know, but these kids are not being served well in our schools. Bloominton has an alternative school the appears to be successful, Alan is involved somewhat in it. They have a full staff and have lots of flexiblity in the scheduling and classes offered. Now to find the $$$$$, SHOW ME THE MONEY. Any ideas? I figure I've given up SADD and AfterProm, I'll have time to build a school, right?
How was your return, Janelle? I feel for you and Olivia, you had such a sweet time together while it lasted. How did she do? The first time I left Trent he was 9 months old and I went to a wedding shower. Sitter called after 30 minutes, he was still screaming; we didn't try again til he was 3. Not the way to do it. I don't think Stephen was ever left anywhere but my mom's. And I wonder why they are such Mommas Boys? What can I say? I was young and apparently none too bright. I'm sure Lady A helped the sitter with Miss Liv. You only have a few weeks left, Mamma.
Any leads on a new place, Anna? Lots of area schools are cutting elementary counselors, too. I wish education could not be touched by this bad economy, surely kids are too important to take with risks their futures. Maybe some older counselor will retire this summer. I have a few young ladies poised like vultures over my shoulders. I'm afraid to drink the water sometimes, hehehe. How about getting pregnant and being a stay at home Mom? Brent up for that? OK, it was just a suggestion. Better you than the 2 freshmen I have this spring. Breaks my heart; I feel I didn't do enough to prevent this somehow. Guess I shoulda been there to hand out the condom.
Alison, I can't believe how fast you all went from basketball to baseball; I'd forgotten life with boys. Caleb is playing Biddy League for the first time this year. I cannot wait to see him in action. He'll be in the bleachers talking to the parents or trying to coach the other kids. He had kindergarten screening and failed the hearing test, due to an ear infection. He told us he was going to get hearing aides and have to go to the speech teacher everyday. "It's OK," he says, "it's only Holly". Holly is their neighbor, the speech and hearing therapist at school. Where the hearing aides came in, no one knows. He called me the other night to tell me Mackenzie was home alone with him and Maddie. I asked if she were being mean to them, he says, "Not Yet!". He has an answer for everything. The school has been warned in advance not to believe all he reports. I believe he will be the next Mark Twain. Or Adam Sandler!!!
How is Abbie doing, Angela? The Easter pix were so cute. The kids have grown so much this year. Do you have a busy summer planned? I love seeing your posts on Facebook. You and your sister are so funny together. My postings are always so boring. Or sometimes a little too sharp. I forget that written words can't show the smile or twinkle in the eye that face-to-face can. I figure no one pays attention anyway.
I'm going to call you, Jill, while you are in FL this weekend. Maybe we can get together with Stephen King. He isn't quite as reclusive in the spring. He can be a bear in winter. Are you OK? You've been quiet of late; makes me worry. Where's Tucker? and why isn't she talking to us? I agree about the Haute thing. If only we could all meet there for weekends and NOT have ISU involved...perfect.
How's the new addition, Kirstie? A pup is more work than a newborn, you know that, don't you? They chew, poop, pee, chew, poop, pee all day long everywhere. Good Luck. Inside? Outside? You probably couldn't tell, but I'm not an indoor pet person. I'm sure your puppy is the absolute best behaved dog ever. You will have fun this summer with him at the lake, I know.
And Elaine, our silent friend, how are you all? Work pushing right along like a freight train on your heels? Middle school is just the best, isn't it. Exiting 8th graders, entering 5 th graders, orientation for parents, 21 Century Scholars deadlines, MORP, freshman schedules. What have I forgotten? Are you doing the 6th grade Scholars oath? Our supe says I have to have 100% signed up by the end of school. Or else??? I'm not sure what that means and not willing to find out. Hope you are enjoying the new bag, it is you; bright, sleek and sophisticated.
Must check on my yard man, he is in the garden with power tools. Talk to me. Love you all, Hedy


anna said...

Yeah so I told Brett about your idea of me being a stay at home mom and he just looked at me like "who is this crazy woman!" No offense! I have put my resume in a couple of places but nothing yet. There isn't a whole lot out there, but it's ok. Still not worried yet. I got my portfolio done so I am feeling pretty good right now. 4 weeks left and I am feeling the downhill slide. The weather has been lovely and I can't wait for school to be over! And yes, I am still in love with the boy!

Milk House door said...

What lovely weather we have had! A bit windy, but sunny heaven otherwise! The flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping. We are full swing into scheduling as of today. i am so glad to finally be able to start. Thank goodness the portfolio is done!!! :)

Farming is also underway. I love the smell of fresh tilled dirt. I know that sounds strange, but I do love it. I'm ready to be working in the garden, but I'm waiting on my stuff to come from Gurney's. Should be here this week.

Hope everyone is surviving right now. only a few weeks left. We have 6, but that's ok. take care and enjoy the spring days!

Kirstie said...

Puppy, Maggie Mae is doing great. We are house training her. Never in my life have I had an indoor pet. We are getting an invisible fence this summer. I am not as worried about her running as I am the many many random roaming dogs where we live.
We planted a garden this weekend. This is my first garden of my very own. We are calling it the "salsa garden". Not much more than tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. A few cucumbers just bc I like them. I just hope the spot gets enough sun.
I submitted my portfolio yesterday and so did Pat. After his struggles with the Praxis, he is on edge about the possibility of the "not Pass" letter. I remember feeling the weight lifting off of my shoulders all of the times we did portfolios at ISU. I did not feel that this time. The weight is still there because of the waiting.
I have 23 student days left of school. Is anyone going to the "RtI Academy" put on by DOE May 12-13?

Staci said...

Hey ladies... go to you tube and search may fete teacher dance everybody dance now...check me out making an ass of myself!! I am devastated that they did not capture me doing the "worm" on video!!!